I was turning on the lights of the factory in the control panel of the main hall, just before it entered the evening shift in assembly line when she appeared before me, wrapped in a halo of iridescent light that floated around as a constellation of stars. I could not describe its appearance in detail, but I seemed different from the pictures I had seen in the history books, as well as in the paintings and sculptures. I said it was the world spreading his truth and I, who knows if stunned by the glare that clouded my senses, I said that was not worthy of the company. She recalled that she appeared to others on several occasions. I told him I knew but with all due respect, I suggested him to notice someone with people skills and a proven mastery of several languages, including English. She said not to worry about anything, as it would in my mouth the right words in a language we all understand, and I would provide the necessary charm to seduce the crowd. I was almost ready to give my consent, but then knocked on the door and the scene was removed. And all because that idiot did not know where to go to see and ask not know who I do not know what.
Text and image from Pedro Herrero
Text and image from Pedro Herrero
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