Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Milena Velba Y Nadine Jansen Playa

Not able to attend. German Shepherd, blond, beautiful, with the nose jet, very intelligent and a lover of games in the park. Goes by the name of Bronco. We adopted a puppy, my wife and me, and always has been a member of the family. I used to draw attention when he went down the street (my wife) and therefore we train them to come to his defense. But their unique tastes (the dog) led us to spend more than necessary, and for some time that we supported some hardships, which eventually had to spend bill. So I had to beat them up (first the dog, then my wife), and it was natural that the two are put against me. Although he returned from work I kept finding my slippers on the carpet (I discovered that it turns to leave them there). But a family does not work well bottomless cracks behind the friendly gesture. The fights were increasing, and recently talked about the three the same language. So no one can understand. One night we were discussing (the dog and me), my wife asked me who would put the muzzle and leash. I could not help, I wanted to kill them both, but knew Bronco defense in time. Now the owner is out, because in prison do not allow pets outside the cells. Also present any additions.

Text and image from Pedro Herrero


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