Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Red Mango Swot Analysis

Views on the victims of state agents

By: Editorial Policy. El Espectador, May 12, 2012

Juan Fernando Cristo, Liberal Party, and Juan Carlos Vélez, the U.S., talking about the new debate in the political arena makes the president Alvaro Uribe.

When it looked beyond the debate against the reparation of victims of state agents, the president Alvaro Uribe Velez came to disturb the nest, and the meeting he held in his home in Bogotá , with several senators from the Party of the U, Juan Carlos Velez commissioned to submit a proposal in this regard, which led to conflicting positions between those who defend the repair regardless of who was the murderer and those who feel that in the case of State agents, there must be a court ruling.

Juan Fernando Cristo (Liberal Party)

Why defends independent repair of who the perpetrator?
This is the only way, but the law is unworkable, I repeat, who in the Senate plenary session after consensus was reached that all political forces on the principle of non-discrimination of victims, purporting to exclude victims State agents are placing a car bomb Law victims. Is attempting to dismember it, this is a great deal of discrimination. Based on the agreement of non-discrimination is that the law has had international support and victim organizations.

Are these proposals enemies of law?
That is a debate in which I would like to enter, is a timeless debate of the president Álvaro Uribe Vélez and the last three years was stationed at the time. This debate was overcome last year when it introduced the law. All arguments were evaluated at the time and non-discrimination is supported by the government, the security forces and all forces policies.

Do you think this argument back to the meeting?
That is an argument for bombing the law but I hoped that the discussion in the plenary of the Senate, does not present a paper about it. I think today's meeting of President Santos with his party should leave the country completely calm that will file the result of a consensus paper, and could not be otherwise because if you have proposals to amend the law, that would mean that finally there is still no agreement.

Juan Carlos Velez (Partido de la U)

Why argues that we need a decision courts to compensate victims of state agents?
This is not a new proposal, we present it in the debate in the First Committee of the Senate and that does not mean that we are against reparations for the victims. We accompany the initiative, we believe that in Colombia must compensate the people affected by conflict. But in the case of victims of state agents, I do believe it is necessary to mediate an abbreviated trial which determine the liability of officers.

But note that this is a proposal that seeks to bomb victims law?
This is a proposal of former President Uribe, and see that even He has been changing his mind. Before refusing any kind of compensation for victims of state agents. Now agrees but on condition of going through an abbreviated process that takes no more than six months.

But take 10 months to build consensus and be breaking again?
Here it does not want to break with any consensus, moreover, we recognize that much has been achieved with the passage of this law, there have been significant contributions and the bill to be discussed at the meeting is better than that filed almost a year ago, but this repair could affect the morale of the troops. But

overcome such a discussion? Here
has been made of non-discrimination of victims regardless of who the perpetrator. I agree, but consider it an abbreviated process required not to stigmatize the military and keep morale high, especially now that there is more strength to maintain democratic security.

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Political fire, and "outing"

Facebook Someone has created a page that almost hints and a leading politician says Nadal has an affair with a fireman . I personally took months and hearing the same old story of the character without having been able to confirm the rumor.

It's funny how from the liberal side so given to the politically correct and generally sympathetic with the LGBT cause is turning a blind eye, and laughs are jelly such rumors if they can damage the image of a candidate from the opposing side. This just proves that homophobia is something that flourishes only scratch a little even among those who thought it had been eradicated.

Even if it were true that the candidate was messing with a firefighter, a bullfighter or a lathe milling truth is that the "outing" is something that goes against LGBT cause we use the sexual orientation in order to claim foul the public image of a person as if it were shameful.

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Uganda parks his law 'Kill gays'

( international pressure against anti-gay law -Called by several organizations defending human rights law 'Kill the gays'-planned by the Ugandan government seems to have taken effect. The standard, which was to be debated Wednesday in Parliament, has disappeared from the agenda of the camera, the agency said AP.

homosexual relations in Uganda, like in most African countries, are illegal. However, the new standard contemplated the death sentence for homosexuals in some cases, as the person was HIV positive.

Also, anyone who "assist, advise or assist another person to commit acts of homosexuality" (For example, if you rent a house or a room to a homosexual) would face seven years in prison . Failure to report any violation of this law would also be a crime, according to Amnesty International.

Although the law was proposed in 2009, in recent weeks has drawn criticism from many countries and an Internet intense campaign against it, before his impending debate in the Ugandan Parliament.

"We are helping to stop this bill last year, and we can do it again", says on its website the association Avaaz, who said he was gathering more than 1,300,000 signatures against this "new and brutal law that condemn homosexuality with harsh penalties."

Nearly half a million people have signed the petition of another organization, All out . "This odious rule [the law 'Kill gays'] is part of the pattern of violent repression of pro-democracy gobuerno Ugandan forces in the country. It's time to stop," he says in his campaign.

Finally, international pressure seems to have taken effect. As acknowledged by Rep. John Alimadi AP, the law may have disappeared from the agenda by the global clamor against it.

However, it remains unclear if this means that the government withdraws controversial move forward as standard. According to the agency, on Wednesday was the last parliamentary session of the course. On Thursday, President Yoweri Museveni sworn in for new office after his re-election in February. It is unclear if the bill is debated in the new political course, or whether the rule will be modified. The author of the law, David Bahati, was willing to rewrite that does not include the death penalty.

Earlier this year, gay activist David Kato was killed after that a Ugandan newspaper publish the name of a hundred gays.

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Chaste and pure ... occasionally

For a month and a half I emancipated and went to live with a friend after several years living with my dear mother. The ill-conceived and mostly my parent predicted at the outset that I gained independence in order to assemble the thousand and one at home and especially in my bed.

At my new home my roommate told me that part of the bed was more noise than a concert Top 40 in the Plaza Mayor and I was excited to check and opens with a partner luxury.

to me at the bottom I loved the idea of \u200b\u200bbecoming a slut and Samantha frungidora with each other but nothing is further from reality is that after 41 days living alone My bed is more virgin Strawberry on Big Brother. Between work, my friends and family commitments, my duties varied and one has already turned 30 and no longer linked as when I was a kid because it keeps the same as the first day.

I'm starting to wonder celibacy and become a priest, certainly more so jincaría.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

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victims gathered in the days 9 and May 10 this year, we discussed the draft Victims Act, which is in its fourth and final debate in the Senate. Regarding content, we note the following:

1. , The bill was not consulted with the victims, to legitimize it was necessary to an informed, concerted and appropriate for discussion and deliberation of the draft of the Law .

2. Major themes of the Bill is left to future regulatory by the Government, we are concerned that content regulation and not required by the participation of victims support the creation of a new institutional entities such as Social Action, in our experience has been negligent in recognizing our rights.

3. Should be extended the date for the recognition of victims and land restitution, as likewise expand the concept of family direct family.

4. That would be beneficiaries and also considered victims.

5. We believe violates our rights, to hold the reparation for victims to fiscal sustainability.

6. We consider counterproductive denial the Constitutional jurisprudence, the failure to differentiate measures of assistance and humanitarian aid remedies.

7. It is worrying that the victims of displacement, discrimination giving them administrative compensation core family, which amounts are due to help ance, given under the compensation.

is necessary, recognition of responsibility State and elimination of Article 9 of the Victims' Bill.

consider it essential deepening and development back guarantee of security for victims, advocates victims, court officials, and guarantees victim participation in the institutional spaces that as shown in the chapter on institutions, the space given to victims in relation to public officials is inequitable.

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Victim Act, armed conflict and the "counter" of Uribe.

For emmaflood. May 9, 2011

Given the possibility that the law recognizes that victims of armed conflict inside Colombia, which already has supported by President Santos, Former President Uribe waving a "original" counter which contradicts the arguments used during his tenure to polarize the public rather to promote the rational analysis of the conflict.

collective burial after slaughter. Image Magazine
Uribe takes the issue to revive his accustomed hate the FARC, its main weapon of electoral propaganda for his political group whose victory in the October elections would facilitate their return to power now in a hall or in the future through constitutional reform. Pole disrepute due to corruption in the Mayor of Bogota and gross mismanagement of Samuel Moreno, survival Uribe's entourage prison from Congress and cultivated good relations with the most right-wing sector of the armed forces are part of the resources to his return to power.

Its counter has clear intentions, including leaving out the law to victims of crimes perpetrated by state agents and the deaths and disappearances, false positives occurred during his administration and a higher profile gravity just because it is the constitutionally mandated government that must ensure life of citizens. (The FARC never swore by God and respect for one's country constitution as it does a government).

Uribe's kingdom is not of peace, "Uribe is concerned that Colombians continue to believe that the FARC narco-terrorists are a few simple without political significance, at the same level of organized crime by paramilitaries. Uribe is interested in continuing the war and the economic interests of their group membership are linked to the war.

's note on the counter Weather Uribe said: "According to Uribe, the words" should refer to victims of armed groups outside the law and not victims internal armed conflict "
" armed groups outside the law "as proposed by Uribe, included in the same category as the FARC, the ELN and the paramilitaries (now BACRIM) never rebelled against the state as the FARC and the ELN.

paramilitaries never rose against the state because they are simply criminal not political but economic objectives even if they are supported by certain political figures, or acted with them to steal the state. never confronted the armed forces. Joining them for the purpose of defeating the FARC to dominate the territory suitable for growing coca.

  Aunque Uribe haya hecho hincapié en el aspecto "narcoterrorista" de las FARC, eso no invalida el hecho de que las FARC son actores políticos.

Los objetivos de las FARC son políticos- Las FARC se financian ilegalmente, como todos los grupos insurgentes porque no cuentan con fondos del estado como las fuerzas armadas. Pero su objetivo principal no es el narcotráfico, sino atacar al estado y eventualmente suplantarlo. Es un hecho que las FARC realizan labores propias del estado como es atender enfermos en algunos poblados, construir caminos, etc., aunque esto redunde en su propio beneficio.

Change the name does not change the reality-As much as our former president should endeavor to put another name, that does not change the conditions so that the Colombian conflict is no longer an internal armed conflict as recognizes the International Red Cross, United Nations and the Geneva Protocol art.3.

According to the criteria of an internal armed conflict there is universal:

-when faced with two unequal forces, a rebel and state forces.
-military hostile actions of some of the public against the state.
, when the armed group is organized in blocks with military chains of command.
-territorial and when they have minimal control.

And while Uribe is bent on denying this, the legitimacy or otherwise of the FARC as a political group depends on the government to respond militarily and politically and not on whether to call narco.
are the facts and no names or descriptions that legitimize the political nature of the FARC as listed below.

-Participation of the armed forces to fight the FARC and ELN.
-The action and direct mediation of the International Red Cross in conflict zones.
- La Piedad Córdoba intermediation and Brazilian drivers in the release of kidnapped hostages called for subversion because it's named international entities to accept the existence of internal armed conflict. Uribe calls kidnapped because they accept the existence of armed conflict. It's called kidnapping case of deprivation of liberty does not exist in a context of war, but common crime.

-The cessation of action for delivering military kidnapped
- The massive military spending (see SIPRI) on weapons, aircraft and military personnel trained in counterinsurgency warfare that serve only to an internal armed conflict and are unsuitable for external armed conflict. Colombia has the largest military budget in South America after Brazil, almost all dedicated to fighting the guerrillas

- The U.S. military aid to fight the FARC.
"The permanence of the conflict in time
To counter this evidence, Uribe would have to demonstrate:
- that the FARC are not the priority of the war in Colombia, and therefore would have no political significance or threaten the country's stability.

- the drug money that finances the FARC not tied to the purchase of weapons to attack the state, making ambushes military forces, maintain territorial control in the forest and mountains Colombia to demoralize the troops and undermine confidence in the government and the military.
"I should deny the existence of the Patriot Plan which is an extension of Plan Colombia was created solely to attack the FARC.

-would have to demonstrate that he never said that the FARC are communists, or that the FARC have relations with the PCC or PC3, and that the FARC is the armed wing of the party. Because they claim it means accepting that the FARC has political objectives, including the state's destruction and theft of government. Would have to deny so many times said that the FARC are a threat to democracy.

Refer to the FARC as narco-bandits is a rather crude method to downplay the FARC as a political actor. Deny the political importance of the armed conflict in Colombia prevents finding a solution because no problem can be solved if you deny the reality.

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Recognition Act of victims of armed conflict remain

This was decided by the president Juan Manuel Santos after a meeting with the senators of the Party of the U.
Tuesday May 10, 2011

At least in the paper for its fourth and final debate the bill victims recognize the internal armed conflict.

president Juan Manuel Santos made the decision to keep the explicit recognition so that only the victims of illegal armed groups have access to compensation provided by the project.

In a meeting at the Presidential Palace, The Party senators expressed concerns U president Alvaro Uribe because that would give explicit reference belligerent status to FARC.
However, Santos, who was accompanied by the military leadership, maintained its position of supporting the armed conflict and that reference did not give any political recognition to the illegal groups.

"armed conflict have long ago in this country. Here there is nothing new, here you are not doing an addition to something you had in the past, but continues a very clear is that our military forces operating under the umbrella of IHL, which requires the presence of an internal armed conflict "Bush said.

"That in no way means that the terrorists stop being terrorists or fail to call them. In no way means that we are giving special recognition and a lot less than we are paving the way for the belligerent because it satisfies none of these requirements, nor is there anything new to the firm attitude clear and convincing the government and security forces against the narco terrorism and illegal armed groups everything that generate violence. "

The president thanked the Party of the U for supporting the initiative, and said it was satisfied with the text of the paper for the fourth debate of the law of victims.

also noted that "the admiral (Edgar) Cely, now defense minister in charge, and commanders Army, Air Force, Navy. All, all agreed that for them it is very important and essential to recognize that internal armed conflict. "

Consequently, the paper will remain unchanged, although the U.S. senators announced that the discussion will insist on the thesis and submit proposals to be the plenary of the House that decision is final.

The ideological rift

Public Order Section

The debate over whether or not there is internal conflict places Juan Manuel Santos and Alvaro Uribe of thought in different banks. Uribe Is fighting a losing battle?

Saturday May 7, 2011
Between Juan Manuel Santos and Alvaro Uribe has been no political overtones and pitch changes that show not only the different agendas of government, but their particular moods as leaders. But last week opened a real rift between the two, with the debate on whether or not armed conflict. Paradoxically, the Congress Party of the U promoted the idea that the text of the law of victims include the term "armed conflict" as a framework to limit the universe of beneficiaries of the repair. The interest was mainly to stop the economic bleeding of the State if any person affected by communal violence could be included.

In principle, the phrase has no major legal implications, since in the field of standards, the conflict has been long recognized. Both the Constitutional Court in its judgments and the laws of displaced and demobilized based on this premise. And not to mention the treaties and international jurisprudence, where Colombia has always been treated as a war-torn nation. Recognize or not the conflict does not relieve the government, for example, to comply with its obligations in the humanitarian field.

The phrase also sought to give any political message of legitimacy to the guerrillas, because the governments that preceded Uribe had recognized the conflict and that did not mean never give them belligerent status to the guerrillas, much less stop combat. And the legitimacy that they perhaps were in the negotiation of Caguan, in a context where they were recognized as a partner by the government of Pastrana, is comparable with that paramilitary groups were Ralito, but the Uribe government was ambiguous about the status that gave them the self-defense. That is, neither the direction of peace or of war changed with the inclusion or exclusion of the phrase.

But the immediate and disproportionate response from the president Alvaro Uribe has put the issue in the field of ideology and political legitimacy. Uribe spent much effort in his government to banish the term 'conflict' official language, and not simply a delusion, but a vision of politics and war. To Uribe no rebellion possible in a democratic society like Colombian, but crime and terrorism. However, cases like that of Great Britain show that even in established democracies may have violent disagreements, as was the case of the IRA, and with or without rhetorical recognition can even lead to the negotiation without thereby undermining the state.

The idea that there is no conflict inspired his community and state argument underlying the whole policy of democratic security. In the latter, for example, explains the existence of guerrilla groups because of the weakness of the rule and not the friction of interests and ideologies. "Uribe is a XVIII century liberal whose main concern is the construction of state, while Santos is in a more contemporary liberal tradition, which is what has governed us, "says Jorge Giraldo, dean of Humanities at the University Eafit.

Therefore, this issue may end up being a first pulse ideologically between Uribe and Santos. For the former, as a matter of principles which will fight among the most loyal in the bed of the U, who is himself looking for Congress to amend the term the final stretch of the law. But it is not so easy. On Tuesday, Senator Roy Barreras Rapporteur will meet with the caucus to discuss the issue before it is filed the paper, and asked the president to accompany Santos to "socialize" the discussion. Most lawyers in the country have endorsed the inclusion of conflict as a category, the Defense Minister Rodrigo Rivera, spoke out to say they recognize the conflict contributes to the implementation of international humanitarian law and the U.S. ambassador did not give importance to subject.

For Santos, this is not an ideological issue, but political. The president is pragmatic, and if the term puts a clear framework to the universe of victims and facilitates the implementation of the law, then it should be included. Second, tuned to a government with the international community, which had been shocked when the government denied this reality, but at the same time seeking support to wage war both in military and for the consolidation and the humanitarian crisis. Third, Santos allowed to return to using a purely political speech, stripped of McCarthyism, to name a reality as the civil war, which despite having disappeared from official documents for eight years, continues. And whose end will not necessarily by military means.

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Spain, an accomplice of homophobia in the Third World

Spain and the EU should start to put aside their greed and economic ambitions and start to demand excessive the countries of the Third World those who help financially respect for LGBT people . I feel disgusted and nauseated by the news that Uganda is a country where homosexuality is punishable be proposed include the death penalty in several cases related to sex between equals.

Our Government is complicit in many countries gays and lesbians to be imprisoned, tortured, persecuted, stoned or executed . It seems the economic interests of Spain in the Third and Fourth World prevent our Foreign Minister laying firm to the rulers of these countries and prefers to look the other way while our government takes advantage of bilateral relations with these governments corrupt, homophobic and murderers.

Respect for LGBT population should be a sine qua non for economic and diplomatic relations with any country but of course "Business is Business" even with blood money and shit. This sucks!

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Eurovision 2011 - The Apocalypse

Next Saturday will be held in Düsseldorf one of the most gay exist after the Pride and the little train to several children together. Of course I'm talking about the Eurovision Song Contest .

writing this article a lot of pressure by some of my friends who are true, crazy Eurofans and become very susceptible to this issue among others ... but I love them very much. I personally like a song contest completely outdated, tacky and out of place in the XXI century

addition Spain each year exceeds the time to make the most hideous and ridiculous one of those days when I feel less English force. This year we sent to Germany to a rolling stone I do not remember the name that is going to sing a theme titled "What I take away what bailao" not sing a song or Rosa of Spain in its worst times.

In Israel who are smarter than anyone they have decided to send Dana International who won the tournament with a lifetime ago popular "Diva" and 13 years later he returns with a song that is deep and committed titled "Ding Dong" .


case I go that night to Mr. Gay contest Mallorca in Cala Ratjada, so that at the last moment I was invited to do jury duty so I can get rid of this punishment.

Monday, May 9, 2011

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Senator Hernán Andrade supports include recognition of armed conflict Victims Act

recognized Senator Hernán Andrade there is no unanimity against the inclusion of the recognition of the existence of armed conflict, and recognizes that this recognition that the law seeks to prevent overflow to include other victims, such as those from drug trafficking, common criminals or criminal gangs ( paramilitary strongholds unrecognized)

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The fight for recognition of the armed conflict

Judicial conflict
crucial week for victims law By: Editorial Policy. El Espectador
The way of the law of victims in the Senate, which was to begin Monday with the presentation of the paper in charge of liberal Congressman Juan Fernando Cristo, not be a bed of roses.
And the specific reason for this initiative today will give way to an intense controversy in the different policy communities, public opposition is made by the president Alvaro Uribe to recognition the existence of an armed conflict in Colombia.
Evidence that the resentment of so-called Uribe is that today the president Uribe is scheduled to meet with members of the U bench, headed by Senator Juan Lozano, precisely to consider the text of the lecture that will be the starting the debate in the Senate.

Although Lozano said this morning that the U.S. is looking for a calm and constructive debate on the law of victims, it is clear that the tough nut to crack will be the subject armed conflict.

case of one of the most important initiatives the government has given in this term Santos tomorrow is also a meeting between the President and the sectors related to national unity and purpose is simply to ensure a majority in the processing of the bill in the Senate. The bill has already made its way in the House of Representatives, where he also was broad political discussion.
In essence, the law aims to regulate procedures victims financial compensation for people whose relatives were targeted by any of the illegal actors. And after much discussion, the law would cover victims since 1986, assumed was the era in which there was increased violence by guerrilla groups and paramilitary forces, under the auspices and financial sponsorship of drug trafficking. Before 1986, the law provides a symbolic recognition and guarantees of non repetition.

But the case of an articulated broad historical context and political implications, was sung that the pure blood line Uribe would eventually cross. It is recalled that in 2010 was precisely the Uribe government that succeeded the collapse of the same initiative in Congress. Now, probably not going to burn the bread in the oven door, but be warned intense political discussion on those aspects that lead to recognition of the armed conflict in Colombia.

And basically, the crux of the argument is that the president Álvaro Uribe and his top followers, from when they were government had clear his line to deny the existence of armed conflict and attributed to the FARC, the ELN and the nature of counterinsurgency groups terrorist threat . Behind this refusal is also the extreme position of Uribe for the possibility of humanitarian agreements or direct political negotiation scenarios with the FARC, in the image and likeness of times Pastrana.

For now, Uribe today no agreed agenda, but its main champions, and tomorrow the President Santos with whom they are moving the debate in Congress, have separate meetings policies on this issue. The law of victims, whose paper in the Senate is headed by Juan Fernando Cristo, who, in turn, on behalf of the Liberal Party, hoping to become one of the essential stages of his political profile ahead of the upcoming regional elections October

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News Brief, Monday


Monday morning and I'm still a dream that I will not hold up and all the years spent in vain and the weekend is to relax and not to go from event to event without stopping.

Finally the "famous" gay cruise was a bit of a fiasco and I was expecting at least 2000 gays eager to party and joke and realized it was Cruise who came to these normal Ladies current class and common people among the passengers there were about 200 passengers scattered in gay bars and clubs eventually noticed what Justito. The scene was the closest thing to movie "Welcome Mr. Marshall" in which Americans spend long and leave all the locals with honey on the lips.

This coming Saturday is the Mr. Gay contest in Cala Ratjada Mallorca and am preparing to make the jury. I've never done a jury of any contest, let alone one hot guy showing flesh. The funny thing is that the contest is done in the Plaza de los Pinos Cala Ratjada within the program of celebrations of the Feria Medieval de Capdepera and open to all "gabellins." City Council should be congratulated because it shows the town to rise in a country where there is legal equality but social.

KFE Tito can finally relax a little and that Rapado Christina has left him exhausted this weekend doing the interview for the free magazine LOLLIPOP. hope to see soon the result and see if Tito is encouraged to come to Capicu IB3 Radio and we are catching up.

PS: Does anyone know how was the BBQ Naked? I think I would sooner go to Terror Barbecue with all the potential mass murderers and knowing that would end up skinning. If I even had nightmares about the barbecue only imagine her happy.

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PSM-IV-M Ex proposes a law prohibiting discrimination on sexual grounds

  • call for full marriage equality for gay and transgender
  • want to acknowledge the paternity leave in cases of adoption
  • Undertake to combat homophobia from schools

coalition-IniciativaVerds-Entesa PSM (PSM-IV-EXM) has proposed the enactment of a law no sexual discrimination obtain effective equality in the rights of homosexuals and transsexuals face those of heterosexuals.

This was announced today the candidate Parliament and Regional Minister of Social Affairs, Fina Santiago, in presenting his proposals on civil and social rights.

During a rally held this morning at the Cultural Center Jonquet de Palma, Santiago said that "if in the nineteenth century progressed and political rights in the twentieth century, labor rights, health and education, XXI century must be the century of progress in civil and social rights: the Balearic Islands can not be left behind . "

According to a coalition statement, Santiago has also undertaken to establish the Minimum Insertion Income (RMI)-to people without resources, as a universal right in 2013.

Regarding the Non-Discrimination Act, stated that seeks equality for all gay and transgender people.

"The struggle of these people is the civil rights struggle of the century. We want all social, civil, political, labor with heterosexual people may also have people who have a different sexuality to majority ", pointed out the candidate.

This law should guarantee, he said, the legal equality of these people in all aspects and influence in changing attitudes social.

The full equality of gay marriages and transgender social and labor rights include, for example, recognition of paternity leave in cases of adoption.

"This right is not recognized in state legislation, and we have to guarantee competition," said Santi, who recalled that it was included in the autonomous law of equality which prevented the adoption of PP.

Santiago explained that the law "does not entail any additional cost, but the recognition of rights" has come to be made campaigns awareness to combat homophobia, "especially in the world of youth and education , as there are children and young people who still have phobic attitudes towards this group" News

Saturday, May 7, 2011

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Friday, May 6, 2011

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DEMENCE Party of actors and musicians benefit

palm writing DIARIO DE MALLORCA - Can you imagine Tomeu Penya goalkeeper, Antonia Font to running after a ball, to Vivian Mahogany and accelerated diabetes served by orderlies, and Wonderbrass seeking explanations the referee? For all that will happen, next Sunday, from noon, in the s'Arrabal Football Camp (Polígono Can Valero).

The crazy game will have a charitable purpose, to raise funds for the Association of Friends of Tilloli (India), an entity that meets eleven years of history working for the poor and now focuses on lifting a boarding school.

Two teams took the field, Renou and Farandole. The first, composed by musicians in their ranks to meet Tomeu Penya, Toni Cuenca, Antonia Font, Horris Kamoi, LA, The Search, Wonderbrass, Cris Juanico, Music Nostra, Caliu, Jaume Anglada, Xisco and Biel Aguilo, Rafael Nadal's grandfather, Cap strips and Carlos Garrido, among others. Representing actors, play Triola, Rafel Ramis, Santi Celaya, Carlos Molinet, Aina Cortés, Vivian Mahogany, Diabetic , Lluqui Herrero, Manuel Barceló, Lina Mira, Maria Antonia Oliver, Studio Zero, Toni Gomila, Planas and Assun Paco Colombes, among others.

The kick off is made by the acaldesa Aina Calvo and tickets can be purchased at Llibres Mallorca, at 11 Street Santa Esglèsia Eulalia. At the end of the match will be toast.

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24 hours for

Wear all a sleepless night, turning to this the arrival of cruise marine is that despite appearances is not trivial issue. I think we should organize and form a welcoming committee for these kind tourists who come to visit us and meet us.

best thing would put on our best clothes and clean underwear to the port to welcome . It must be a bit like those scenes of "Holiday at Sea" cruise when reached Puerto Vallarta and the daughter of captain pulled his head to the mainland and be secured to any creature walking in reverse. Let us s pamelones a divine and most fashionable sunglasses to find whether or not the black and give them the welcome they deserve these wonderful visitors

Most importantly, be kind , remember that there is as in a dark room where not even show, and you're kneeling or pump without time or blinking. There to be educated and keep the forms, you see we are not savages and so realize that we can be civil. The first is to shake hands and introduce ourselves to two kisses. Put more manly voice that you can even if it means you may have to leave the throat so frazzled that I have to perform a tracheotomy.

not notice that we are desperate and make them think that is what we do for them and not vice versa (which is what it is)

If you both like the same tourist not quarrel in front of him, they see that we can politely agree and if I want to make the best eyes you do privately and discreetly you fight to the death by extreme fight or until one of them give up and humiliated doing a harakiri, the winner will keep the trophy right?

Let not the last time these marine and cruise ships in Palma "be careful out there"

PS: If anyone reading this cruise is that you know my name is Chema, I'm gorgeous , athletic body, 20-odd years and there ...¡¡ scandal dick is that!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Boris Boillon Mercenary

CRUISE Humor so black! Algaida

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The bull, black again

( After yesterday Algaida bull was decorated with red and white floral motif and the slogan: "Ja's Spring Munar Son! ", the bull has woken up today with its original color: black.

Apparently someone has bounced back tonight at the private estate of Son Munar repainting of the famous black bull. Remember that in recent weeks, the popular billboard has been up to four changes, since the original black-colored stripes passed, and then return to black and then to a spring floral print.

the situation is repeated in the future or not, the owner of the farm and are Munar said the situation had had enough. Yesterday appealed to common sense and said "now you should leave the bull. Hooliganism and whoever is painting to do at home. This is trespassing. "

Pool Heater Consumer Reports

Attention! A gay cruise comes to Palma!

to know that this weekend ... I have no friends or acquaintances. Furthermore, any native gay male who is available will automatically become my worst enemy and I at its worst nightmare. "Why all this fuss ...? (Pa kiss the Shuffle) ...

turns out that on Saturday at 6 pm docked at the port of Palma one of those super gay cruise that ply the waters of the Mediterranean which floating Chueca. And that night I guess that the ship's passengers will holiday in Palma and want to know the indigenous islanders and know the customs shutters and clear ... that blinks loses here and sillier makes pencils.

Thankfully, this ship berthing in Palma and is expected to occur more frequently and we have so many little things to teach and much love to share ...

Seagate Tape Drive Hornet Drivers

Tour FRIENDS BEN ... Sunday Sign up! Back

Dear soci * s * s supporters!

I remember that this weekend we go on tour!

SUNDAY 8. TOUR: Valley of Bóquer-Boquer Cala beach (Puerto Pollensa)

Duration: 2 hours (round trip). Length: Coll de Sa gremolada - Cap Fabioler-the Trappist.

Vertical: 200 both ascent and descent.

Difficulty: low.

Note of interest: A protected area known for its many species of birds (bring binoculars). Observed: black vultures, ospreys and bee-eaters.

when the tour ends soon would become a 2 nd in the area in Pollensa PUIG DE MARIA (optional) if people not tired.

1st meeting point: Square Tube 10:00.

2 nd Meeting Point: 2 ° point at 11:00 hours on the SYP of Puerto Pollensa (next roundabout towards Faro de Formentor)

Bring swimsuit and towel! :)

Imperative: for tours is required:

or mountain 2.Botas sports shoes appropriate and adequate clothing (rain gear, warm clothes, another change, etc.).
3.Acudir to the meeting point with appropriate food and water (min. 1 lter).
4.Abonar the driver of the car (voluntary and rotational) 2 or 3 euros depending on the route
Other recommendations: canes, small first aid kit, etc.
If you do not come properly equipped, the tour will also take place.
Remind you that "everyone is responsible for oneself."

Agradecemos vuestra collaboration.
+ info: 974 600 Esther.tlf.609

Saludos hikers,

Esther y Kike

Ben Friends.

Assoc. LGBT Balearic

C / Conqueror, No 2. pole. Palma

TLF: 971 71 56 70./fax.: 971723058

Wording For Chapstick Wedding Favor

ECLIPSE ... Join the contest

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Polyps -cancerous On Badder

Mr. Gay Agenda findesemanal Mallorca

subscribe in la web / inscripcion.htm

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