Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Poolheater Consumer Reports

Political fire, and "outing"

Facebook Someone has created a page that almost hints and a leading politician says Nadal has an affair with a fireman . I personally took months and hearing the same old story of the character without having been able to confirm the rumor.

It's funny how from the liberal side so given to the politically correct and generally sympathetic with the LGBT cause is turning a blind eye, and laughs are jelly such rumors if they can damage the image of a candidate from the opposing side. This just proves that homophobia is something that flourishes only scratch a little even among those who thought it had been eradicated.

Even if it were true that the candidate was messing with a firefighter, a bullfighter or a lathe milling truth is that the "outing" is something that goes against LGBT cause we use the sexual orientation in order to claim foul the public image of a person as if it were shameful.

When playing dirty never clean out


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