- call for full marriage equality for gay and transgender
- want to acknowledge the paternity leave in cases of adoption
- Undertake to combat homophobia from schools
coalition-IniciativaVerds-Entesa PSM (PSM-IV-EXM) has proposed the enactment of a law no sexual discrimination obtain effective equality in the rights of homosexuals and transsexuals face those of heterosexuals.
This was announced today the candidate Parliament and Regional Minister of Social Affairs, Fina Santiago, in presenting his proposals on civil and social rights.
During a rally held this morning at the Cultural Center Jonquet de Palma, Santiago said that "if in the nineteenth century progressed and political rights in the twentieth century, labor rights, health and education, XXI century must be the century of progress in civil and social rights: the Balearic Islands can not be left behind . "
According to a coalition statement, Santiago has also undertaken to establish the Minimum Insertion Income (RMI)-to people without resources, as a universal right in 2013.
Regarding the Non-Discrimination Act, stated that seeks equality for all gay and transgender people.
"The struggle of these people is the civil rights struggle of the century. We want all social, civil, political, labor with heterosexual people may also have people who have a different sexuality to majority ", pointed out the candidate.
This law should guarantee, he said, the legal equality of these people in all aspects and influence in changing attitudes social.
The full equality of gay marriages and transgender social and labor rights include, for example, recognition of paternity leave in cases of adoption.
"This right is not recognized in state legislation, and we have to guarantee competition," said Santi, who recalled that it was included in the autonomous law of equality which prevented the adoption of PP.
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