Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Life Expectancy With Cirrhosis Of The Liver

Uganda parks his law 'Kill gays'

( international pressure against anti-gay law -Called by several organizations defending human rights law 'Kill the gays'-planned by the Ugandan government seems to have taken effect. The standard, which was to be debated Wednesday in Parliament, has disappeared from the agenda of the camera, the agency said AP.

homosexual relations in Uganda, like in most African countries, are illegal. However, the new standard contemplated the death sentence for homosexuals in some cases, as the person was HIV positive.

Also, anyone who "assist, advise or assist another person to commit acts of homosexuality" (For example, if you rent a house or a room to a homosexual) would face seven years in prison . Failure to report any violation of this law would also be a crime, according to Amnesty International.

Although the law was proposed in 2009, in recent weeks has drawn criticism from many countries and an Internet intense campaign against it, before his impending debate in the Ugandan Parliament.

"We are helping to stop this bill last year, and we can do it again", says on its website the association Avaaz, who said he was gathering more than 1,300,000 signatures against this "new and brutal law that condemn homosexuality with harsh penalties."

Nearly half a million people have signed the petition of another organization, All out . "This odious rule [the law 'Kill gays'] is part of the pattern of violent repression of pro-democracy gobuerno Ugandan forces in the country. It's time to stop," he says in his campaign.

Finally, international pressure seems to have taken effect. As acknowledged by Rep. John Alimadi AP, the law may have disappeared from the agenda by the global clamor against it.

However, it remains unclear if this means that the government withdraws controversial move forward as standard. According to the agency, on Wednesday was the last parliamentary session of the course. On Thursday, President Yoweri Museveni sworn in for new office after his re-election in February. It is unclear if the bill is debated in the new political course, or whether the rule will be modified. The author of the law, David Bahati, was willing to rewrite that does not include the death penalty.

Earlier this year, gay activist David Kato was killed after that a Ugandan newspaper publish the name of a hundred gays.


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